- 2022-06-17学术报告(20220622)Observational Planet Formation
- 2022-06-14格物论坛(20220615)Reaching Across Surface Brightness for Galaxy Formation Insights
- 2022-06-07格物论坛(20220608)Long GRBs, Short GRBs, Low-luminosity GRBs, 170817A and Jets in Supernova
- 2022-06-06天问论坛(20220608)Coupling between galaxies and haloes on small scales
- 2022-05-23学术报告(20220525)引力波天文与天体物理
- 2022-05-16学术报告(20220518)Resonances in the very early universe
- 2022-05-09学术报告(20220511)Magnetic Field Reversal around an Active Fast Radio Burst
- 2022-05-03学术报告(20220504)The ET Project: to Find the First Earth 2.0 in Our Galaxy
- 2022-04-19学术报告(20220420)引力波天文学:星系中心黑洞的形成演化和本质问题
- 2022-03-28学术报告(20220330)New origins of Gamma-ray Bursts
- 2022-03-22学术报告(20220322)超新星爆发和宇宙热大爆炸的物理机制-磁单极驱爆
- 2022-03-21学术报告(20220316)Planet formation in protoplanetary disks: accretion, migration, and the observ…
- 2022-03-16学术报告(20220316)天眼脉冲星单脉冲辐射特征的观测与研究
- 2022-03-07学术报告(20220309)活动星系核中心黑洞质量的测量
- 2022-01-04学术报告(20220106)A multi-zone view of blazar's emission
- 2021-12-16学术报告(20211217)TDE外流与云团作用的射电辐射