学术报告(20220316)Planet formation in protoplanetary disks: accretion, migration, and the observational signatures

作者: 时间:2022-03-21 点击数:

报告题目: Planet formation in protoplanetary disks: accretion, migration, and the observational signatures
报告人: 李亚平 副研究员
报告人单位: 上海天文台
报告时间: 2022年3月16日下午2点-4点
报告地点: 东七楼427会议室
报告摘要: The Kepler/TESS missions have discovered  more than 5000 exoplanets up to date,  indicating that the formation of planets in protoplanetary disks (PPDs) are a quite robust,  though still poorly understood,  process.  In addition, the recent (sub)mm observations by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) revealed ubiquitous substructures like rings,  gaps, spirals, arcs located beyond 10 au from central star in dusty PPDs, which are often believed to be the signpost of forming planets in PPDs. How to form these different populations of planetary systems in PPDs is still a challenging problem. In this talk, I will first explore the formation and evolution of different exoplanet populations in protoplanetary disks by considering their accretion and migration processes. By further performing two-fluid numerical simulations with multi-dust components, their imprints on the nascent gaseous and dusty disks are also examined to constrain the assembly of dust and the planet formation in the very early stage.
报告人简介: Yaping Li received his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2009 and Ph.D from Xiamen University in 2016.  He then became a postdoc in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) between 2016-2018. After that, he joined in Los Alamos National Laboratory as a postdoc in 2018, and came back to SHAO as a faculty member in 2022. His main research interest includes black hole accretion, AGN multi-wavelength emissions, AGN feedback, dust/gas dynamics in protoplanetary disks, planet formation, and gravitational wave sources for LIGO/Virgo.
参会人员: 全体师生

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