学术报告(20220504)The ET Project: to Find the First Earth 2.0 in Our Galaxy

作者: 时间:2022-05-03 点击数:

报告题目: The ET Project: to Find the First Earth 2.0 in Our Galaxy
报告人: 张辉 研究员
报告人单位: 上海天文台
报告时间: 2022年5月4日周三下午13:30-15:30
报告地点: 东七楼427会议室
邀请人: 邹远川 教授
报告摘要: An innovative Chinese space mission, the Earth 2.0 (ET) mission, is being developed to combine the transit and microlensing methods together to search for Earth-sized exoplanets in the Galaxy, including the most precious ones---Earth 2.0s, i.e., habitable Earth-sized (0.8-1.25 Earth radii) planets orbiting solar-type stars, cold and free-floating low-mass planets. ET’s 6 transit telescopes will monitor an FoV of 500 square degrees (covering the Kepler field) continuously for at least four years and generate a huge database containing high-cadence and ultra-high photometry precision light curves of ~1.2 million FGKM dwarfs. With such a high-value database, many unsolved issues in the exoplanet field and even stellar sciences will be well addressed. Besides looking for Earth 2.0s and constraining its occurrence rate, ET will be dedicated to map a much wider radius-period diagram of terrestrial-like exoplanets than ever and reveal how it depends on the stellar properties and environments. With the 4-yr legacy data of Kepler, ET will catch additional components in a multi-planet system, e.g. cold Giant, cold sub-Earths, exomoons, exorings, and even exocomets. Are exomoons and exocomets common in a planet system? What’s the favorite number of planets in a multi-planet system? What’s the most common orbital configuration of planetary systems? With these new data, ET will deepen our understanding of how unique our Solar system is and how multi-planet systems evolve. In addition to exoplanet sciences, ET’s time series data will also benefit the studies in asteroseismology, archeology in the Galaxy, time-domain astrophysics, and black hole science. In this talk, I’ll briefly introduce the scientific background of the ET project and the associated technology challenges.
报告人简介: 张辉博士,现任中科院上海天文台“百人”研究员、博士生导师,2008年毕业于南京大学天文系并获得天文学博士学位,此后留校任教,2011年获得副教授职称,2021年进入中科院上海天文台工作。他主要从事与太阳系外行星相关的理论研究和高精度测光巡天观测,先后承担了中国南极巡天望远镜(AST3)在太阳系外行星方面的观测与数据处理、南京大学的“时域天文台”(TiDO)的大视场巡天与数据处理程序开发工作。在巡天结果模拟和策略优化、仪器噪声分析、测光数据处理等方面积累了大量经验。他作为第一完成人的“南极系外行星巡天”工作,入选2019年“全国十大天文科技进展”。2020年获得第一届“江苏省天文学会青年人才奖”和“江苏省天文学会科学技术奖一等奖”(第三完成人)。目前担任中科院先导项目“ET2.0”的科学应用系统课题负责人,负责观测数据的模拟、巡天结果的仿真和整体数据中心的运行工作。
参会人员: 全体师生

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