学术报告(20231115)Gravitational wave lensing

作者: 时间:2023-11-10 点击数:

Gravitational wave lensing

报告人: 胡彬 教授
报告人单位: 北京师范大学
报告时间: 2023年11月15日下午14:30-16:00
报告地点: 精密重力测量科学中心大楼W510会议室
邀请人: 邱涛涛 副教授
报告摘要: Gravitational wave lensing is a new phenomenon in the lensing transient field. It can be used for the bright sirens study to measure the Hubble constant with very high accuracy. However, due to the long wave nature of GWs, its sky localization is poor. In this talk, I will present a new method for identifying the GW   multi-signals together with its host galaxy.
报告人简介: Bin Hu is a full professor in astronomy at Beijing Normal University. He awarded the Chinese National Youth Thousand Talents fellow in 2016. His research interests include: gravitational wave, lensing and cosmology.
参会人员: 全体师生


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