学术报告(20210524)The stellar “snake" and its extended structure

作者: 时间:2021-05-23 点击数:

报告题目: The stellar “snake" and its extended structure
报告人: 田海俊 教授
报告人单位: 三峡大学
报告时间: 2021年5月24日周一晚上20:30-22:30
报告地点: 东七楼427会议室
报告摘要: In 2020, we reported the discovery of a young (only 30-40 Myr) snake-like structure (dubbed a stellar “snake”) in the solar neighborhood from Gaia DR2. The average distance of this structure is about 310 pc from us. Both the length and width are over 200pc, but the thickness is only about 80pc. The “snake” has one tail and two dissolving cores, which can be clearly distinguished in the 6D phase space. The whole structure includes thousands of members with a total mass of larger than 2000 M⊙ in a uniform population. The population is so young that it cannot be well explained with the classical theory of tidal tails. We therefore suspect that the “snake” is hierarchically primordial, rather than the result of dynamically tidal stripping, even if the “snake” is probably expanding. This finding will provide us an ideal test-bench to study the history of the stellar formation and environmental evolution.
Recently, we extend the structure of the “snake” by a factor of more than 2, and make the number of its member candidates beyond ten thousand, interestingly, most of which are the pre-main sequence stars. In this talk, I will present the panoramic structure and properties of the stellar “snake”.
报告人简介: 田海俊,教授,湖北省天文学会理事,三峡学者,德国马克思普朗克天文所(MPIA)访问学者。近年研究兴趣主要包括:大型自行星表构建、宽距双星、恒星运动学、恒星形成与环境演化等。主持国家自然基金三项,参与国家重点基金一项,先后获得湖北省杰出青年基金、中欧人才、学校“青年拔尖人才”、三峡学者(第一层次)等人才项目的支持,发表学术论文30余篇,其中,太阳本动速度、GPS1自行星表、宽距双星等三项研究成果分别被天文和物理领域最重要的年鉴性评论期刊《天文学和天体物理学年度评论》(ARA&A)和《核与粒子科学年度评论》(ARNPS)上的特邀文章引用或点评。

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