20200923 Molecular Oxgen detected in Mrk231

作者: 时间:2020-09-21 点击数:


Molecular Oxgen detected in Mrk231







王均智 研究员




吴庆文 教授



As the third most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen and helium, oxygen's chemistry in molecular clouds is important for understanding properties of the molecular gas.  Molecular oxygen (O2), which was thought to be an important coolant in molecular clouds, has been searched for in the Milky Way sources with space missions and in external galaxies with ground-based facilities in past decades. The O2 abundance turned out to be much lower than expected, with only a few Galactic detections of O2 emission, and only upper limits in extra-galactic sources.  We present the first extra-galactic detection of O2 emission toward the nearest QSO Mrk 231 at the rest frequency of 118.750343 GHz with IRAM 30 meter and confirmed by the NOEMA.  O2 emission in Mrk 231 is extended and associated with outflowing molecular gas, which provides an ideal tool to study AGN-driven molecular outflows with ALMA on kpc scale. O2 might also be an important coolant in the AGN-driven outflowing molecular gas with abundance comparable to that of CO.  I will also do a quick introduction of related results for CO absorption discovered in Mrk 231, which provide information of CO optical depth in the outflowing gas. Future O2 related observations in galaxies with ALMA and in Milky Way sources with IRAM 30m will also be introduced.



Junzhi Wang is currently a research Professor at radio division of Shanghai Astronomical observatory (SHAO). He got his PhD degrees in Astronomy at PKU in 2005. During 2002-2004, he was a SAO pre-doc working in the sub-millimeter Array group.   He was then a postdoc at Purple Mountain Observatory and an associate professor of astronomy in NJU until June 2013.  His research interests are star formation and ISM in nearby galaxies and the Milky Way, AGN feedback, and Mega-masers, using radio and (sub-)millimeter facilities in the world, including IRAM 30 meter, Effelsberg, JVLA, NOEMA, SMA, and the ALMA.



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