Job Announcement for faculty positions in astronomy

作者:雷卫华 时间:2020-07-14 点击数:

Job Announcement for astronomical positions of faculty:

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is among the few top research universities in China. The School of Physics at HUST is a fastest-developing and the top ranked physics department in China.

To build a top astronomy faculty, the School of Physics is seeking to fill 8-10 faculty positions at the level of full, associate, and assistant professorships. We welcome applicants from all areas of astrophysics (theoretical, observational astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation), which can complement and expand our current research activities (e.g., high-energy astrophysics, gravitational-wave astrophysics). The prior experience with space gravitational-wave astrophysics and optical/infrared Space Telescope and ground multi-objects spectroscopy is highly desired, but it is not limited.

The positions are available immediately. To help the applicants learn better our University and Faculty, we will offer visiting opportunities to attend our “East Lake Forums on Astrophysics and Physics” in December or visiting opportunity to our department for several weeks. Therefore, we will select some candidates to attend our Forums before October 31 in the first stage. Other candidates will be considered in January or February.

   The University and School of Physics will provide attractive supports for its faculty members, which include the excellent research and teaching setups, start-up grant, competitive salary, relocation fee, and on-campus school for kids. For distinguished astrophysicists the benefits and support are negotiable, including building an own group.


•    Ph.D. in astronomy, physics or a closely related field is required for all positions.

•    Teaching ability to undergraduate courses in both astronomy and physics is required in professor or associate professor level.

Required application materials:

1.    a cover letter accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, indicating which position(s) is (are) being applied for;

2.    a statement of professional interests for research;

3.    for faculty positions, a statement of professional interests for teaching is also required;

4.    publication list with commentary on highlighted research accomplishments;

5.    three letters of reference (Please ask the individuals to send the letter as an e-mail attachment to Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the letters arrive before the application deadline.).

Notes for application:

1)    Please send your application documents by email to

2)    Upon receipt of your application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive any response within 3 working days, please contact ;

3)    Applications will be accepted until the position is filled; to ensure full consideration, please send your application by October 30, 2020.

4)    If you have any questions please email at

More details can be found in

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