1st Plasma Astrophysics School and Workshop (PASW25): Physical Processes in Multi-messenger Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Laboratory Plasmas

作者: 时间:2024-11-26 点击数:


Multi-messenger science has emerged as a major discipline, providing unique and invaluable insights into the processes and properties of the physical universe. Recent advancements in Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Laboratory Plasma Physics have underscored the transformative potential of this approach. While multi-messenger techniques are relatively well-established in Laboratory Plasma Physics, significant progress has recently been made in Space Physics, driven by the deployment of multiple spacecraft with diverse, multi-faceted observational capabilities. Astrophysics has propelled multi-messenger science to the forefront of discovery. By integrating inherently complementary information carried by multi-wavelength electromagnetic radiation, polarization, neutrinos, energetic particles (including cosmic rays), and gravitational waves, researchers have achieved unprecedented understanding of astrophysical systems. These breakthroughs have not only underscored the importance of plasma processes but have also highlighted the necessity of capturing both global and local (“glocal”) scales through integrated modeling efforts.

The Plasma Astrophysics School and Workshop (PASW) aims to advance multi-messenger science by fostering collaboration among active researchers and supporting early-career scientists as they establish themselves in this dynamic field. The event will emphasize unifying themes across disciplines, particularly the understanding of key plasma processes and the adoption of holistic, integrated modeling approaches.


For 2025, currently, we are planning for PASW25: 

Title: Plasma Astrophysics School and Workshop (PASW): Physical Processes in Multi-messenger Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Laboratory Plasmas

Date: Mar. 27-31, 2025, Wuhan, China;

Host: Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).

Specific themes for PASW25:

We envision that PASW will consist of two main parts: the school and workshop. In school, we will use pedagogical tutorials to cover key topics in plasma astrophysics with applications to relevant disciplines. In workshop, we will have mostly invited talks on active frontiers in selected areas.  For PASW25, we plan to emphasize MHD flows, turbulence and transport. We will strive to connect these key processes with the context of multi-messenger science in astrophysics, space, solar, and laboratory plasmas.

Tentatively, we have:

Mar 27 (Thu) Mar 28 (Fri) Mar 29 (Sat) Mar 30 (Sun)
08:00 Registration

08:45-09:00 Opening



Tomo Watanabe


Khangulyan Dmitriy


Huirong Yan


Yosuke Mizuno



· Talks (4)


· Talks (4) · Talks (4)

· Talks (4)

Lunch break



Gang Qin


Reinhard Schlickeiser


Jungyeon Cho


Dejin Wu


16:00-18:00 · Talks (4) · Talks (4) · Talks (4) · Talks (4)


Banquet Adjourn

Title of Lectures:

Lecture1 (27th): Tomo Watanabe (Nagoya Univ., Japan)

      “Drift wave instabilities and turbulence in magnetized plasmas”

Lecture2 (27th): Gang Qin (HIT, China)

     “Solar energetic particles”

Lecture3 (28th): Khangulyan Dmitriy (IHEP, China)

      “Radiative processes in high energy astrophysics”

Lecture4(28th): Reinhard Schlickeiser (Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, Germany)

     “Wave-particle  interactions”

Lecture5(29th): Huirong Yan (Univ. Potsdam, Germany)

      “Cosmic ray transport”

Lecture6(29th): Jungyeon Cho (Chungnam National Univ., S. Korea)

     “MHD turbulence

Lecture7(30th): Yosuke Mizuno (SJTU, China)

     “Magnetic dissipation in relativistic jets”

Lecture8(30th): Dejin Wu (PMO, China)

      "Kinetic Alfven wave"

Important dates

Deadline for Registration: Mar. 1, 2025

Deadline for Abstract submission: Feb. 24, 2025

Registration & Submission

Registration Fee: 1,500 RMB

Online Registration

VISA application

If you need a visa for entrance to China, necessary documents will be provided through the local organizing comittee after acceptance of your abstract, upon request.

After completion of your abstract submission, registration, please make contact with the local organizing comittee by email.

Travel support

To participants who request the travel support: please make you registration and abstract submission, and mark for the travel support.

Venue Access

Conference Venue

Science & Technology Bldg., Huazhong University of Science and Tchnology (HUST), Wuhan, China


From Tianhe International Airport: Use Metro Line 2 to Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Station (Approx. 60 min.)



Weihua Lei (Chair); 

Qingwen Wu (Co-Chair)

Yuanchuan Zou

Jumpei Takata

Kai Wang

SOC for PASW25: 

Siming Liu (SWJTU, China) -- Chair;

Hua Feng (IHEP, China);

Jiansen He (Peking U., China);

Weihua Lei (HUST, China);

Qingwen Wu (HUST, China);

Jane Dai (HKU, China);

Dongsu Ryu (UNIST, S. Korea);

Jungyeon Cho (Chungnam, S. Korea);

Ryoji Matsumoto (Chiba U., Japan);

Takanobu Amano (U. Tokyo, Japan);

Lou-Chuang Lee (IES, Taiwan region);

Sean Oughton (Waikato, New Zealand);

Hantao Ji (Princeton U., USA);

Hui Li (LANL, USA);

William Matthaeus (Delaware, USA).

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns, please email to: leiwh@hust.edu.cn


East-Asia School and Workshop on Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas (EASW):

EASW8 (July 30 - August 3, 2018 in Daejeon, Korea)

EASW7 (July 24 - July 29, 2017 in Weihai, China)

EASW6 (July 11 - July 16, 2016 in Tsukuba, Japan)

EASW5 (August 17 - August 22, 2015 in Pohang, Korea)

EASW4 (July 28 - August 1, 2014 in Harbin, China)

EASW3 (July 8 - July 12, 2013 in Toki, Japan)

EASW2 (June 25 - June 29, 2012 in Jeju, Korea)

EASW1 (May 30 - June 9, 2011 in Peking, China)

EASW is a series of summer shcools and workshops intending to introduce basic physics of laboratory, space, and astrophysical plasmas and provide training to young scienctists. Our PASW is a continuation to these meetings.

版权所有 © 华中科技大学天文学系 | 湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路 1037号      E-mail:astro@hust.edu.cn