学术报告(20230317)From Diffuse ISM to Molecular Clouds--Molecular Abundance and Chemistry

作者: 时间:2023-03-14 点击数:

 报告题目:  From Diffuse ISM to Molecular Clouds--Molecular Abundance and Chemistry
 报告人:  罗干 博士
 报告人单位:  南京大学
 报告时间:  2023年03月17日周五9:30
 报告地点:  精密重力大楼A栋W510会议室
 邀请人:  龚碧平 教授
 报告摘要:        Molecular gas is the raw material for forming stars and galaxies. Unfortunately, molecular hydrogen (H2) is undetectable due to the lack of a permanent dipole moment and accessible transitions in the cold phase. The understanding of cold molecular gas is largely based on the measurements of the abundant tracers such as CO. However, observations in the past 20 years found that a significant fraction of molecular gas (20%-80%, refer to as "DMG") cannot be traced by CO emission surveys. In this talk, I will introduce my recent works on quantifying molecular gas contents with different tracers in low-density gas. Combining high-sensitivity observations with numerical modeling, we are able to constrain the key parameters (e.g., cosmic-ray ionization rate) that regularize the formation and evolution of molecules.
 报告人简介:        Dr. Gan LUO graduated from the School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2015 and obtained his Ph.D. in National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Science (NAOC) in 2020. He is currently a Postdoc at the School of Astronomy and Space Science, at Nanjing University. His research interest mainly focused on the physical conditions and chemical evolution from diffuse ISM to dense molecular clouds.
 参会人员:  全体师生

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