学术报告(20210430)The Star Formation Rate and Star Formation Efficiency of Low Redshifts Quasar

作者: 时间:2021-04-30 点击数:

报告题目: The Star Formation Rate and Star Formation Efficiency of Low Redshifts Quasar
报告人: 谢艳霞 博士
报告人单位: 北京大学科维里天文与天体物理研究所
报告时间: 2021年4月30日周五晚上19:00-21:00
报告地点: 线下:东七楼427会议室
       线上:腾讯会议254 932 888
报告摘要: Supermassive black holes (BHs) are widely regarded as being closely connected with the evolution of galaxies, but the exact manner in which active galactic nuclei (AGNs) truly impact their host galaxies remains a topic of lively debate. Measurement of the interstellar medium content and star formation rate in AGN provides valuable insight into this aspect. Employing a new star formation rate (SFR) calibration developed by Xie & Ho (2019) based on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, we quantify the SFRs for the hosts of a sample of low-redshift quasars, and, in combination with measurements of gas content estimated from dust, we investigate their star formation efficiencies. A significant fraction of quasar hosts lies above the galaxy main sequence, possessing high star formation efficiencies similar to those of starburst galaxies, although many of the hosts have not undergone major mergers. AGN activity may promote instead of suppressing star formation in these systems. While PAH emission effectively traces star formation in most objects, we find evidence that they may be destroyed in the most powerful quasars.
报告人简介: Yanxia Xie got her Ph.D. from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in 2016, then She moved to the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University for a postdoc. Before that, She spent two years at the University of Missouri as a visiting student. Yanxia Xie got her bachelor's degree from Tianjin Normal University. Yanxia's current research interests focus on AGN feedback, ISM of galaxies, dust modeling for AGN torus.

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